Tuesday, November 9, 2010

I'm over due.

Hello good friends and loved ones! 

I decided it's been much too long since I have last updated you on "The Life of The McLellan's." Let me start off by saying, it is great! God has been blessing us so much as we have reached our mark of one whole year of marriage!... but that was a few months ago and much has happened since then. (:

To just get straight to the point Caleb and I are moving to Eugene Oregon on the 8th of December. We've been wanting to move on from Maui but have been patiently waiting for the Lord to direct us and make our path clear. Finally the time has come and we are very confident in this decision that He is leading our hearts to Oregon. We would greatly appreciate your prayers, that we would be able to finish all that we need to do here before we leave. Also, that we would be able to find jobs easily in an economy that is very tough at the moment. I (Sharon) have family in the Portland area and both Caleb and I have great friends in Eugene. And yes, we know, we're going over in the dead of winter! So pray that we will survive! hahah. We're actually looking forward to it... crazy, I know.

Thank you for reading!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

life so far.

i decided today would be good day to update.

Not a whole lot has been going on in the life of the McLellan's. A good amount of working, so that's been good. I'm working at a Diner as a server and Caleb is a landscaper, for those who are wondering. Lately our schedules have been working out very nicely to where we can spend more time together. You see, I usually work nights and Caleb works days... so it's always a blessing to have even more time together (of course).

I now feel more like a married couple... we purchased our first washer and dryer yesterday! (thanks to an INCREDIBLE deal we found on craigslist!) I was doing the laundry one day last week before heading off to work when the washer suddenly stopped mid-cycle and wouldn't start again. No matter what we did it wouldn't drain the yucky dirty water. So our landlords asked us to find a good price and go ahead and purchase the washer. They look very nice and in great condition, I never thought I'd be so excited about using such a machine...

In other news we went camping last weekend. Our first camping trip... (: that was way more fun then buying a cheap washing machine. Caleb gathered everything together and when I got off work last Friday we began our great adventure. We spent one night on top of the mountain, it was very cold and rainy... as you can see from the photo below we were in the clouds. The next day we decided to drive around the back side of the island and spend Saturday night out there. Little did we know it was pouring over there too.... but we stayed nice and dry, thanks to Caleb. (: We had a blast being out there, just the two of us. So there should be more camping trips to come! Hopefully not when it's raining so we can enjoy some hikes instead of sitting in the back of the truck playing Rummy 500. I'd post more photo's but I didn't realize my camera battery was dead. So the one I took on my phone must suffice for now.

until next time!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

happy happy day.

Dear Bloggers,

So sorry it has been so long! life has been very very busy for us lately. We received our wedding photo's the other day, they turned out great thanks to our amazing photographer Nina Brav. It was a beautiful day at the Maui Lu and there were so many friends who showed up to celebrate this exciting day with us. It was quite overwhelming because they are all such an incredible blessing.

For an update we are planning on staying here in Maui for a bit. Not too sure how long, but we know God wants us here for now so we're excited to experience how He is going to use us and grow us. We're living in a small Ohana (cottage type thing) and we're settling in nicely there.

The honeymoon was tons of fun! We were on Kauai for eight days and we had a blast hanging out together, just the two of us. Eating, Exploring, and relaxing. It was very nice. Thanks to all who have been praying for us and the gifts that were sent... the next thing on the list is to send out thank you cards... lots of them! If you'd like to see photo's of the wedding please click on the link below. (:

God bless,
Sharon and Caleb McLellan


Saturday, July 4, 2009

Feliz Dia de Independencia!

Thank you for coming to our blog!

As we are sure you already know, We're getting married!
There are currently 33 days and 22 hours left until we are united in "Holy Matrimony" ,
and we are becoming quite enthused about every detail that God is, and has, brought together.

In regards to prayer requests, we still have many small details that need working out yet.
Things that we know will come together, we just need prayer that the Lord will bring it all
together in a smooth manor. More over, we ask that you would pray for patience in all things.
I'm sure many of you know how easy it is to get caught up in the frustration of the moment.
The invitations are too small to send, their is nowhere for the family to stay, we don't have flowers!
But the Lord is continuing to show us the value of waiting on Him.
He truly has given us more than we even hoped for,
and we're consistently blown away!

Future Plans!
Well! Immediately after the wedding we will be heading to one of the other hawaiian islands (Kauai),
for a week, then we will be living in maui for at least 6 months in a cute little cottage the Lord has provided!
Just recently Caleb has been accepted to Spartan School of Aeronautics and Aviation,
and we are carefully praying about moving to Tulsa for 18 months in order that he can earn his
Aviation Maintenance Technology degree, however, our desire is to truly follow the Lord.
Again! please join with us in prayer! That the Lord would not only give us goals, but also a vision
to bring all of those goals and passions together.

Thank you for your continued prayer and support!

-Caleb and Sharon-